This is a blog to record my experiences around attending seminary (in preparation for entering pastoral ministry) as a young adult Quaker.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

So, the update . . . .


I would like to apologize for my long silence (I would especially like to apologize to Carolyn E. who kindly put me into her homepage feed :)). I have been in a holding pattern when it comes to graduate school. After sadly separating myself from my 250.00 deposit, I haven't had much to do with Princeton. I did hear from them that they were going to give me a full tuition scholarship, which was a true blessing.

In the mean time I have been writing my senior thesis (Religion majors at Earlham college need to complete a large paper during their senior year and then 'defend' it orally). I wrote on the process metaphysics of Alfred North Whitehead and the works of Quaker mystics: Thomas Kelly and Rufus Jones. I considered the topic of human suffering and theodicy within the works of these three men, and how they can dialogue with each other. Did I pull it off? More or less, I guess. It did receive top marks and I was please with its progression (the first draft was wretched). If you are interested in seeing the final (not wretched) paper, post a comment and I will send you a copy.

Anyway, this final month of school has been filled with blessings. I received two awards, both for my commitment to ministry and religious leadership (one of which was a graduate fellowship. . .Thank you God!). I have also finished putting together a support (anchor) committee to support my time in ministry. I am really excited about all of the wonderful Friends who have felt lead to serve on that committee. It will be an honor and a joy to work with them. Unfortunately, I think I won't be able to meet with them until this fall, because I will be living in a different part of the country this summer. Some of the other things that have blessed my life: the beautiful Indiana spring, the gorgeous sweaters my mother is knitting for me, the care and support of my professors, the fact that I passed my CPR class and can therefore graduate and an unexpected influx of cupcakes in my life. God is good.

There have also been some challenges. I wrote and edited 30 pages in about 20 hours over two days, and sun burnt (er, lamp burnt?) my hands from spending too much time typing on my computer under my desk lamp. My cell phone is broken (and too expensive to replace) and can now not receive text-messages (a HUGE problem). I spent Easter by myself for the first time in my life and greatly missed being with family and friends on such a sacred and important day. I continuously am challenged with living across the country from my sweatheart (although we visit at least three times a semester). I have also (surprise, surprise) been having a difficult time staying motivated to do my homework. . . .as I keep reminding myself, the cap and gown hanging in my closet won't see the light of day unless I pass all of my classes. . .but still, its hard.

Actually, speaking of homework, I should go and do some. I need to head over the the Friends Collection and do some research on some amazing Quaker Women.

Next time you hear from me, I will most likely be the proud holder of a BA in Religion!

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